Spirals of Change – Emergence Sharing Circle

Have you recently had an experience that has left you profoundly questioning yourself, deeply at odds with the world you live in, or is perhaps transforming your perception of reality?

Are you feeling a need to be part of an accepting and confidential community as you make meaning of your process?

Sometimes referred to as spiritual emergence, this natural healing process can include a wide range of “non-ordinary” experiences in expanded states – and sometimes, challenging or disorienting phases that can feel like an emergency. They can arise in many ways such as spontaneously, during transitional times of life, through a variety of meditative practices including yoga and breathwork. Frequently, they can lead to a healthy transformed view of oneself and one’s life.
One of the most helpful ways to integrate one’s experiences can be in conversation with other fellow travellers who have had or are undergoing a similar process.  As trained facilitators, we are offering online sharing circles.

DATE: Drop-in on the last Sunday of every month

TIME:  11.00am – 12.30pm (PDT); 7.00pm-8.30pm (BST)

COST: By donation (suggested $20.00 USD/session)

Registration is limited to 10 participants.
It is important to note this is not a therapy group, but a supportive container. Participants may have or choose other modalities to support their process.
For more information or to register,
contact Ariadne at spiralsofchange@protonmail.com or Helen at highland.holotropic@gmail.com


Ariadne is inspired to collaborate to create welcoming sharing circles for others to safely connect and share their experiences. Being witnessed within various compassionate communities has been key to her inner growth over the past twenty years. Ariadne is trained as a Master’s level counsellor, a Spiritual Emergence Coach®, and a Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator. She lives in Vancouver, BC.

Helen has found that being welcomed into safe and supportive groups has been critical to her Spiritual Emergence. When Spiritual Emergence can feel so isolating, knowing there are people out there who ‘get it’ can feel such a relief. The benefits of safe connection is what motivates Helen to offer this space. Helen is a certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator and is in TRE Practitioner training (Trauma Release). She lives in the beautiful Scottish Highlands.

Past Workshops

Spirals of Change – Life Transitions Group

Are you experiencing great change in your life? Maybe it is a move, a shift in career, a relationship, or a new phase and stage of life?

Do you feel inspired to gather with other fabulous women to explore our unique transitions and to envision new possibilities?

If so, then this four-week workshop series is for you!

Join us as a supportive community of women in the spirit of creativity, play, and self-reflection.

  • We will explore the nature and dynamics of transition, marking eachhonouring phase by honouring our endings, finding comfort in being with the unknown, and welcoming new beginnings.
  • We will also draw on our innate resources in transformation such as:
    • connection and community
    • the courage it takes to open full-heartedly to transformation
    • compassion for ourselves and others as we navigate change
    • the beauty and power of our own unique voice
  • Come express yourself as we use a variety of creative media including journalling, art, sound, movement and guided visualization.
  • Take away new insights, tools, and inspiration to actively engage with your daily life.

“It is our inward journey that leads us through time—forward or back, seldom in a straight line, most often spiraling. As we discover, we remember; remembering, we discover; and most intensely do we experience this when our separate journeys converge.”       ~ Eudora Welty

Read about past participants’ experiences of Spirals of Change:

Spirals of Change was an amazing opportunity to gather with other strong women and experience true heartfelt connections. During our time together we explored ourselves through yoga, clay shaping, and healing music. I didn’t want the workshop to end! The facilitators are brilliant, compassionate individuals.

Spirals purple

The facilitators did excellent, sensitive, well-conceived work. I recognize the immense amount of time and visioning it took to create this workshop. It is artful, a process much worth repeating and re-creating. It’s a framework that lasts a lifetime. Grow with it. Please don’t stop! I love how you both bring yourselves to the work, authentically, wisely, positively, openly, humbly, with so much integrity. I really felt you were 100% WITH us.

I absolutely loved Astaria’s sound work as well. Beautiful, perceptive, transformative magic. Totally awesome.

Spirals purple

I truly enjoyed and loved having seen and experienced the transition between each Sunday workshop, where you were willing to be a part of us. The result was phenomenal.